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Peter Hills Church of England School

Our christian value this term is


"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God"

Matthew 5:9

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A warm welcome to
Peter Hills C of E Primary School

Welcome photo

Thank you for taking the time to find out more about our school.
As the Co Headteachers of Peter Hills Church of England Primary School, we are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to you. As established leaders within the Partnership of our three schools we bring a wealth of experience and passion to a school we believe holds great significance in the community. Our vision at Peter Hills is deeply rooted in the values of faith, compassion and inclusivity. As a Church of England school, we recognise and value the uniqueness of every child, helping all to flourish within a safe, secure and creative environment, through opportunities that are relevant to their needs both now and in the years to come.

Interim Heads (ID 1114)

Weekly Reminders

  • Week beginning 3rd February- Children's Mental Health Awareness Week
  • Thursday 6th February- Parent's Coffee Morning 08:30-09:30am
  • Friday 7th February- Breaking Barrier's Day
  • Friday 7th February- Friendship Wear Red Day
  • Tuesday 11th February- Safer Internet Day


Our "Welcome Back Letter" with dates for this half term can be found in the 'Letters' tab.