Peter Hills Church of England School

Our Churches

St Mary the Virgin - Rotherhithe

Christians have worshipped on this site for at least 1000 years.

The present parish church, replacing a 12th century building, was completed in 1716. Designed by John James, an associate of Sir Christopher Wren, it has a homely grandeur with deep roots in the maritime history of Britain.

The links with the 'Mayflower', with the Pilgrim Fathers, and with Prince Lee Boo of Pelau, are particularly treasured.

Memorials inside and outside the building tell of the vision and philanthropy of former worshippers, of sacrifice, and of faith in times of suffering and adversity.

St. Mary's remains a living and working church, supported by local people and serving a broad community.


For more information, please click to visit St Mary's website


  Rector - Reverend Canon Mark Nicholls

St Katharine with St Bartholomew - Bermondsey

The church plan consists of a nave and chancel, with a shallow pitched roof, a chapel (dedicated to St Barnabas) with a porch entrance on the south side of the church and vestries on the north side. A stair from the vestry corridor gives access to a cross passage in the basement which terminates in an external stair and exit. There are two general purpose rooms and a store off the basement passage beneath the chancel and chapel. The exterior walls are zig-zag shaped around the nave and both the sanctuary and chapel are apsed at the east end.




For more information, please click  


Revd Egerton Gbonda

Holy Trinity - Rotherhithe

Holy Trinity Church is set in an ever changing part of the London Docklands, with new developments on the go or still on the drawing board. As such we also have an international community round-about us which is also ever changing, growing and developing. At Holy Trinity Rotherhithe we try to stand as a place where the love of God is made known, where all feel welcomed and can belong. As a Church of England church our tradition might be described as liberal catholic, but our membership is made up of people from Pentecostal, Baptist, Methodist, Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox traditions.

Our congregation reflects the area with people whose country of birth is wide and varied, and who bring a richness of learning and experience. The first thing we emphasize is that it is by the grace and love of God that we are able to meet, and that we are Christians first before any denomination, tradition or nationality. I hope that if you are ever visiting this part of London you may find here at Holy Trinity a church where the love of God is made known and in which you feel at home.


For more information, please click to visit Holy Trinity's website 


Rotherhithe vicar prepares for skydive to raise money for 'crumbling'  church columns - Southwark News

Vicar - Father Andrew Doyle

        Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure,
being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.

Ephesians 2: 20-22