Peter Hills Church of England School

Our SATS results in 2023

At Peter Hills we believe tests results are just one very small part of life in a primary school. We work hard each day to give children the tools and resilience to succeed in later life and we are proud of the progress children make in their time with us. With this in mind we celebrate our measured performance but see this as only a tiny indication of children’s talents and potential.

To see how Peter Hills performs against other schools click here

Our end of year Key Stage 2 test results


Subject Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: Peter Hills Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: nationally Average scaled score: school Average scaled score: nationally 

English reading

75%  74% 104 105
English grammar, punctuation and spelling 75%  72% 102 105


63%  71% 101 104

English writing (teacher assessment)

69%  69% N/A N/A

Science (teacher assessment)

69%  79% N/A N/A


Number of children making at least expected progress. 

% 2 levels 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2023
Reading 65% 100% 96% 92% 91% 92% 94%
Writing 96% 91% 96% 92% 93% 94% 94%
Maths 74% 100% 92% 95% 95% 96% 94%

Our Key Stage One results

KS1 Working at Greater Depth
Reading 75% 19%
Writing 69% 19%
Maths 69% 19%

Ofsted (the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills) is responsible for the inspection of education in all schools in England.

Read our latest Ofsted report from an inspection conducted on 19th and 20th of July 2022.